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We're Proud to Create Local Wines

We are a small family winery adhering to principles of quality wine making.

We produce locally grown wines of the highest quality that reflect unique characteristics of the terrain and create an unmatched flavor palette. Book a tour and try our wines!

what we do

We Preserve Unique Regional Flavors

Each year our winery welcomes thousands of passionate wine enthusiasts to grow their love of wine and food.
be our guest

Discover the Southern Flavors Within Our Wines


Our Events

Join us for culinary events hosted throughout the year on special days. From vineyard hikes and themed dinners to parties and harvest lunches, we celebrate the wine country lifestyle.
We love nature

We are a New Organic Sustainable Winery

Our goal is to create wines with balance, complexity and harmony. Our style has often been described as the artful balance between softness and structure.

We are extremely proud to offer our guests unique tastings and excursions. You can either gather your own group or join one of the groups that we form.

Luigi Caprara

Il teatro naturale in cui viviamo e lavoriamo ha come fondale le colline moreniche del Garda,
una terra bellissima, accarezzata dalla brezza leggera del lago. Sono colline molto dolci,
una specie di oasi naturale, lambita dalle acque lacustri e protesa come un promontorio verso la pianura padana.

Luigi Caprara

Luigi Caprara

The backdrop of the natural theatre where we live and work consists of the moraine hills of Lake Garda, a beautiful land caressed by the gentle breeze from the lake.
These are very soft hills, a natural oasis lapped by waters of the lake and stretching out like a promontory towards the Po Valley.

Luigi Caprara

Luigi Caprara

Der Untergrund des natürlichen Theaters, das uns umgibt und in dem wir arbeiten, sind die moränischen Hügel des Gardasees.
Eine wunderbare Landschaft mit der leichten Brise des Sees.
Die Hügel sind sehr sanft, eine Art natürliche Oase, umspült vom Wasser des Sees, und ein Vorgebirge der Poebene.

Luigi Caprara

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